Adding 360 Product Photography to WordPress with GGPKG
In this article we are going to go through the steps to add great 360 Product Photography to your already existing WordPress website with Garden Gnomes GGPKG package files.
It is not difficult, and the largest trick is knowing where to find the correct plugin for WordPress to add your content to the “Media” section of your site. This process can be used for Articles, Posts, Product Listing through WooCommerce and many other locations throughout your site.
In no time at all, you will be showcasing your products to your customers and reaping the rewards of great 360 spin views for years to come, and it doesn’t cost you anything extra per month on your hosting or as a Software as a service(Saas) add on. You have the tools you need right at the end of your mouse. If you do not already have 360 photography of your products, check out our 360 product photography studio. Alright, let’s begin.
To start, you will need “Administrator” rights to your WordPress Admin. Otherwise, you need to have the admin add the Garden Gnome GGPKG plugin.
After you have logged into your WordPress Admin, navigate to the Plugins -> Add New section of the site.
In the upper right hand area search for the keyword GGPKG.
You will see a result for Garden Gnome Package.
Install it!. After installation, enable it.
Now you can add GGPKG files to your media section of your site.
Go ahead and click on “Media” on the left navigation. Now click on “Add New”
Now all you have to do is drag and drop your GGPKG file over to your browser window and it will be shipped up to the server in preparation for your inclusion of the 360 view on a page.
Once the GGPKG is uploaded, it will show up in the media library with a preview image. If you click on the preview image, you can add additional information about the 360 Package file such as Alternative Text, Title, Caption, and all the other great fields for Search Engine Optimization.
Now on to the good stuff. Adding the 360 view to a page with a GGPKG.
Hit the “X” in the top left corner if you are still on a Media Detail page. We should now be on the Media Library page. From here, click on Posts -> Add New.
Here is a blank, empty post. I current use the Standard Post editor as well as an Advanced Layout Editor that comes with my common theme. So what well will do is look at the 3 most common ways to add a 360 view from three post editor types. Classic, Advanced and the Block Editor.
Adding a GGPKG in the Classic editor
With your cursor in the text editor (WYSIWYG). Click on Add Media. From the Add Media window, select the preview image from your GGPKG. Now click on Insert into post.
See that was easy. You should now see a short code like

Advanced Layout Builder
This builder is a little different in that you must add an area for the html to be displayed. You do this by adding a Layout Element. In this case I added a 1/1 Element to the page. Then you can add a text block to the page from the Content Elements section. Once that is done, you have the ability to add the 360 view through the same Standard WYSIWYG editor from above.
Block Editor
Click on the + symbol or “Add Block” in your new post. Using the Search bar, search for Classic.
Click on the Classic Icon. This will add a Classic WYSIWYG editor block to the page. Once the block is added, click on the “add Media” icon and choice your GGPKG package the same way you did in the above “Classic” example.
With these easy steps, you can add your 360 views wherever you would like throughout your WordPress Website.
Now, if you tripped over this article and you do not already have the 360 content that you need, then PhotoSpherix is your source for great 360 product photography and complete HTML5 360 views of your existing product line. With our easy steps to product creation, we will create those great rotating images that help your viewers understand your products with just their mouse our fingertips.