Ever since the beginning of the pandemic, businesses have been scurrying left and right to find a way to get their message out to prospective customers. This ranges from your local barber shop to Fortune 500 & FTSE companies. Many started their first podcast.

Over the last few weeks, we have been working on optimizing images on our site. This is a daunting task for even a small site like ours, but it must be done from time to time to keep your page speed up to par, and to force you to relook at all of your media files. Now that we are finally done, I thought that the knowledge that we learned for our 360-product photography studio’s site could help others with the same problem.

In this article we are going to go through the steps to add great 360 Product Photography to your already existing WordPress website with Garden Gnomes GGPKG package files.

In the fall of 2020, we had a customer come to us with a novel problem. They had multiple products that could not be moved, they were large, and to top it off, they were fragile. With the Covid revolution in product photography and online viewing with reduced visitation to the museums, they wanted to go virtual, and they asked if we could help. We came up with a dolly track idea that got the job done.

360 Images always start with a product of some sort. We then take images of the product in a rotation. After the images are edited, we combine the images into a rotation. The rotation is referred to as a 360 image. Once the 360 image is complete, we either add a viewer or the customer loads the images into their viewer.

All of us want to increase our users time on our site. Low session durations can and will increase our bounce rate and this kills our conversion ratio. In this article we are going to look at the things that we have done on our site to increase the time on page for our examples.

We get this question all the time: “Do I need 360 photography for my products?”

It’s often coming from a smaller or beginning product manufacturer, or a product designer who has not been out marketing their products on the internet. From time to time we also get this question from some of our more veteran product sales customers.

One of our clients asked for a little bit more this week. They wanted some additional stills to go along with their 360 product photography. And this time it was not your run of the mill stills, either. They wanted some “What’s in the box” shots of their products.

During the lockdown of 2020, I got to step away from the 360 product photography and helped out a friend with a new business direction that he wanted to work on. Keith wanted to start a podcast (TheFuelPodcast.com) to support his other business and, since he was working from home a lot more, it made perfect sense to build a podcast studio and do the whole thing from his home office.