It has been an interesting week at the studio. We had a great evening with a troop of Girl Scouts that wanted to learn about photography. Sometimes we love a little community outreach. It also happened to be girl Scout cookie season, so we combined photography, marketing and cookies.
We start with a helicopter, a camera and a pre-planned shoot. The client needed a shot for the side of their trailer, and they wanted to show some of their work.
As much as we love Magento as a great e-commerce platform, one of the basic functions that we would love to see implemented is 360 product photography. We have been watching for years that online stores want the technology, but they are not ready for the headache of the technology.
More and more PhotoSpherix is getting requests for alternate uses of our rotational imaging. RCA request that we photograph there new line of LCD and Plasma displays. The images were used as an art element on their site. Additionally they were used in the online catalog of products.
Here is a link to the RCA site with the cutting edge technology from PhotoSpherix.