YouTube now supports 360-degree video on desktop and mobile

An exciting news announcement has been made by the team at YouTube that affects everyone responsible for online marketing promotion.

YouTube now supports 360-degree video, although currently only available for the Chrome browser the company says iOS support is coming soon. Right now, there are only a few 360-degree videos available to watch so now is the time to grab your audience’s attention.

If you are using a Chrome browser, take a look at the link above to experience the new potential for this medium.

Using 360-Degree video, users can watch a movie and click and drag to pan around the video to see everything around you. Using an Android device, users can pan round simply by moving the device, giving the feeling of virtual reality without a cumbersome headset.

To make it easy for people to upload their videos to YouTube, Google has been working with a number of 360-degree camera makers across the industry to make the videos compatible with YouTube.

These videos are incredibly fun to watch on an Android device but what do you think of the new 360-degree feature? Are you a fan?

Can you imagine how it could work for you?

Here is a link to the official how to: